Jacksonville Division: A Trump Presidency?

May 13, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by stockimagesA few months ago very few people would have thought that Donald Trump had any chance of becoming the President of the United States; I among them. I did not comprehend that anger in the country. Although understandable I could not fathom the degree that people are prepared to go to get fundamental changes in our political, financial and social order. If change doesn’t happen I am concerned that the country will explode with frustration. So much has changed in our lifetime. We have gone from job security, social order to tumultuous times in all institutions. Trump is only the latest to ride this wave of frustration. I believe it first manifested itself with the OJ trial then to the election of President Obama and now Trump. All have tried to overturn the normal and usual course. I think we should prepare for the third wave!


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