Atlanta Division: Income Tax … an honor!

Jan 13, 2017

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by Stuart MilesIt is time again to pay our Income taxes. Some people begrudge making this payment. They may think that the government may not spend the money wisely, and this may be true to some extent. We must understand and appreciate that the government at all levels, federal, state, municipal all make our lives better. They provide security for our people who travel around the world representing us or our businesses, they provide police, fire and ambulance protection for ALL of us. I believe that one of the best values we get are with the money we send to our government to take care or our collective interests. The United States of America did not just happen to become the strongest, wealthiest and fairest places that the world has ever known. America made its own luck through hard work and competent governance. I am grateful to our governments, our politicians and our civil service for all that they provide to us that enable us to seek our fair share of happiness. God Bless the United States of America … now pay your fair share.



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